Company Overview
Commenced the business operation in the year 2004, we, Paxshell Private Limited have been focusing to provide supreme grade packaging products to the clients. Our firm is identified in the market as a profound Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Vanity Case, Vanity Travel Case,Aluminium Tool Case,Ajor Tool Case, Banker Boxes, Customized Carry Cases, Exhibition Display Cases and many more. By using these packaging goods the customers can transport their items in safe and cost effective manner.
Commenced the business operation in the year 2004, we, Paxshell Private Limited have been focusing to provide supreme grade packaging products to the clients. Our firm is identified in the market as a profound Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Vanity Case, Vanity Travel Case,Aluminium Tool Case,Ajor Tool Case, Banker Boxes, Customized Carry Cases, Exhibition Display Cases and many more. By using these packaging goods the customers can transport their items in safe and cost effective manner.
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